* Have you ever attempted to convert a model steam engine into a 'half breed' two stroke internal combustion engine?
* Does the Score have enough torque to power a tracked RC vehicle?
* Would a Score be better for an RC steamboat than a D10, owing to a lower center of gravity found by being able to lay the cylinders down?
* Have you ever pondered belting a steam engine to a generator and using that to run electric motors to propel an RC watercraft, rather than trying to drive the props directly off the steam engine?
* Do the ones with fully counterweighted crankshafts run any smoother than the ones with no balance weights at all? I've noticed in every video you've made a crankshaft in you didn't bother attempting to counterbalance it, and the engines seem to run fine(Indeed my 10H does as well), but I've noticed with my own engine that there's a noticeable rocking going on even at low speeds that's perfectly in time with the motion of the piston.