So I enjoy watching Mr Apples's "videorials" and am always excited when a notification comes by my feeds. Then this forum pops up.. But I don't own a lathe or mill. What on earth could I contribute to such a place?
Then a post asking about the special oil drifts by.
I use grape seed oil on wooden (harder timber types) chopping boards I make. I wonder if this is a similar oil? You start with a coarser paper (100 grit or less) as this leaves the grain open on the wood. This means the oil will get into the wood grain more effectively. Finer sand papers tend to close the wood grain and the oil will not soak in as much.
If you then work at the wood with the oil, though the grits using wet/dry sand paper. You'll get a very nice finish. The finer the paper you use, the better the patina you get (assuming a fairly hard timber). I usually stop at 240 grit. But you could keep going past this grit?
This gives a beautiful natural satin/semi gloss finish that would look very nice as a plinth block.
Here's the some chopping boards I used this finish on..
Really good idea, simple but effective.
Yes, your chopping boards could make a nice base for my newest engine. Do you have a website? Or email me directly.
Those boards would make a fine base on which a steam engine could be mounted.